It's clear that Minister Struthers refuses to meet with Chief Ian Bushie. The Chief went right to the Minister's office and verbally invited him to attend a Saturday meeting (Sept. 22nd) but Struthers didn't show up. Struthers has indicated he will not meet with Chief Bushie until the blockades are removed. Chief Bushie has indicated the blockades will remain until the province comes to the negotiating table.
The process appears to be at a standstill. A waiting period. Who'll make the next move?
Meanwhile, angry cottagers continue to vent to the Minister's office and through the media. It seems only their voices are being given loud consideration through the media while the local voice is downplayed and/or ignored. Even reports of discontent from those in the surrounding area is being given the spotlight over the good things happening in the community.
So what good IS happening? Well, for starters, those that are attending the blockade sites are building a strong bond through their collective efforts and interaction. There is a heartfelt peace that you will experience when you visit the sacred fires where the tipis are erected at each blockade site. But only those open to this spirit of peace will actually feel it; a few angry cottagers have showed up and I'm sure they didn't "feel the love".
Secondly, a groundswell of support is emerging. Other First Nation people have already showed up at the blockade sites and have sung songs on the sacred drum and voiced their strong support. More are ready to join the cause (refer to Greg McIvor's letter at the tail end of this post).
Thirdly, the Elders are a strong presence at the sites. Their support and their knowledge and wisdom is being shared. They lend an element to this issue that is soothing - for us to know they are there and in full support of what is taking place is not only comforting but strengthening to our spirits. The stand that is being taken to halt any more encroachment or development on our traditional lands is fully supported by our Elders.
Fourth, people that previously had misunderstandings or misgivings about the strong stand taken by Chief Bushie are beginning to see the light. Walls or barriers that were initially there are starting to erode and fade away to be replaced with a nod of support, greater understanding, and unified strength. This can be expected to grow. True enough there are still some people at the local level that do not understand or support Hollow Water's position. But they are not willing to go up to visit the sites to gain a greater appreciation of what is taking place. Some of the "hard-nosed ones" haven't been willing to approach the Chief to sit down and talk. And Chief Bushie should not have to chase anyone down to convince them of Hollow Water's position.
Fifth, you would not get over how much the women of Hollow Water have contributed to this effort. They are constantly bringing home cooked food and making sure there's coffee, tea, and bannock. They also sit around the fire contributing their thoughts and ideas on what should be done to support the First Nation's cause. They are a pillar of strength along with the Elders and I salute them!
And finally, I watched over three nights staying out at the tipis how the young men and women from the community of Hollow Water and Seymourville came to the sites to lend their support. Seeing these young men and women stay up all night long watching the fires and sacrificing their time and energy is an incredible inspiration. They sit there pondering matters quietly whilst the stars and moon shine brightly. Their future is at stake and I'm proud to see their courage, their commitment, and there proud stand against injustice. It truly moved me and I will never forget the expressions of concern on their faces. I honour them all.
So what is going to happen next? Only time will tell that story. It'll unfold in the coming days as the fall season where's on and the temperatures drop. Chief Ian Bushie is resolute in his position - he will not be swayed by empty promises from the government. And he is well supported in this quest for justice and a better future for the people of our community. As for Struthers, we'll find out if he's interested in listening to the people's rightful claim to their traditional lands. We'll find out if he's honestly willing to sit down and hear the concerns of the local people. And we'll find out if Doer's NDP government - the very ones that purport to side with the underprivileged and the marginalized, namely First Nation people, is willing to move in favour of First Nation people. How many MLA's have been sent to the Legislature with the support of Aboriginal people over the years? The eyes of the Aboriginal community are on you and your government, Mr. Premier. Your resolve for taking Aboriginal rights issues seriously will surely be tested. My caution is that you choose your steps wisely. The next election will bear the results of your choices on these fundamental matters of land and resources for First Nation people.
As for disgruntled cottagers that the media and the government like to sympathize with? You'll need to wait longer. Perhaps much longer. Perhaps you'll think twice about venturing onto First Nation territory without any consideration for them in the future. Then again, maybe this entire process isn't teaching you anything. One has to be ready and willing to listen and be considerate of others. If you were not taught that throughout your lives, you may never get it. But be certain of this: non-Aboriginal society has taken enough from First Nation people. Gone are the days when successive governments, and now fat-wallet cottagers, come in to take-take-take. Gone are the days when First Nation people sit idly by and watch others benefit from their land while poverty holds its throttle-neck grip on our own people.
As a concluding remark and to further bring light to the growing support out there in Aboriginal territory, I wish to include the comments made by Mr. Greg McIvor is his letter to the Editor of the Winnipeg Sun:
Dear Editor,
I have been following the actions of the Hollow First Nation over the last few days from print and TV news items and while I normally do not support blockades and demonstrations to resolve these types of conflict. I want to congratulate Chief Ian Bushie for taking the position that he has and that has been identified in recent articles including today’s article “Can’t just sit idly by” Blockades may grow: Chief By SHANNON VANRAES, SUN MEDIA.
Dealing with the NDP government and their party cronies that make up the so called commissions, boards and committees that have a history of deception and are notorious for stealing first nation lands and natural resources without any willingness to share the wealth from the revenue generated from these unlawful activities.
It is about time that our first nation leadership stand up to these activities and say enough is enough. We can no longer have the provincial government come into our communities and pretend that they are concerned about our first nation communities. The provincial government is unwilling to contribute any resources to address the community, social and economic crisis that exists in the majority of our first nation communities.
I trust that the “3 amigos” (Grand Chiefs of AMC, MKIO and SCO) and the “Lame Duck” Manitoba Treaty Commissioner will rally behind and support their people for a change. We can no longer accept the piece meal handouts as the recent Roseau River Dakota Nation has done. It is time to develop a long-term natural resource revenue sharing arrangement in the province that will benefit all first nation communities and applied uniformly across all natural resource activity. The current first nation leadership should no longer accept and cooperate with the exploitation and theft of our natural resources by the province and its crown corporations.
Bravo! Chief Ian Bushie – Finally, we have a leader that is willing to LEAD!